Tuesday, January 21, 2014

"...But Whatever You Do..."

"I get so tired of people turning Dr. King into a dreamer.                               They made him safe. He was a revolutionary."                                                 -Doreen Loury, Sociology Professor at Arcadia University

Anyone can be a dreamer. It doesn't take much effort or skill. There's nothing dangerous, or even threatening, about a dreamer. Defining Dr. King as simply a dreamer is insulting to his memory. Yes, he was a dreamer but so are most of us. What set him apart was his refusal to be satisfied with dreaming. He refused to be refused. He kept moving forward. He continued to march on and requested the same of those around him.

Now some fifty years later, as I listen to the speeches, it isn't just the words of this inspiring man that stand out to me but the passion of the crowds shouting their agreement and I am left wondering, "When do we ever bother to get that fired up about something? What does it take to bring us to our feet or raise our arms with passion?"

We say we care about this cause or that but what are we doing about it? We take a stand by changing our profile picture to some symbol that tells the world (wait, no, tells our friends) we care, by clicking "share" or taking thirty seconds to sign an online petition but all of this just leaves me asking, "Do we actually care?"

Apathy wasn't an acceptable trait then and it shouldn't be now. When I listen to these speeches and hear the roar of the crowd; I am reminded that each of those individuals was also a dreamer who refused to be content with dreaming. They each had a passion inside setting them on fire and pushing them forward. Making a difference, then and now, requires action. We need to discover our own passion, our own fires and start marching forward or taking a stand.

What is it that gets you fired up? What will it take to bring you to your feet? 

Photo Source: www.ThinkAndGro.Com

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