Saturday, July 6, 2013

Dear Devin - Day One

Dear Devin-

I've decided to start a new section on my blog in honor of you. Per your request, I will begin recording my strange anecdotes... because let's be real, getting up to do a monologue between the band's sets at the Brewery probably wouldn't have gone over very well.  I make no promises that this will happen on a regular basis... actually, I make no guarantee it will even happen a second time but here goes...

I think I may have messed up my neck tonight... I went to the Brewery to watch The Grove Band. I was surprised to see so many people I know there since I texted 65 people about the show and only 5 responded... but that has nothing to do with my neck. So towards the end of the night, someone (couldn't have been you, right?) suggested Stephen and I perform our critically acclaimed Foot Loose dance number. You know, the one that Kevin Bacon asked me to teach him.  It got way out of hand, people started taking our picture, the band stopped and offered us their tip jar, and at one point I think we developed some groupies who were getting just a bit too close for comfort. As fabulous as it was, once we stopped I realized my neck was starting to hurt. This was frustrating since I just went to the chiropractor this morning. Which reminds me... on the way to the Chiropractor, I got pulled over for speeding and not wearing my seatbelt (I won't argue the former, but the latter is ridiculous!).... But I will stop there because the point of this story was the dancing.

I am exhausted, my legs hurt and my feet were black from "kicking off the Sunday shoes" but all in all it was a fabulous night in Bryson City! Maybe next time you can join us and "cut loose"!

And this concludes "Dear Devin-Day One".


Please be sure to let Stephen know that I washed my feet and "Day 2, 3, 4, and 5" will not be including the statement, "Dear Devin - Day 5: My feet are still black."

I may have exaggerated some of this story but overall that's how my night went...

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