Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dear Catherine, It's Me, God...

*So... did you think the last post was crazy? If you didn't read it, you must go read that first. Otherwise, this is pointless....  Ok, did you read it?  Ok, now get ready for some more crazy. Sometimes when I am writing... things come out on the paper that I did not plan to write.  Sometimes when I am on the treadmill at the gym or driving in the car, God tells me things. I have never heard him audibly but I still know he talks to me. After all, I am his daughter.  THIS is a compilation of things he has said to me in response to the compilation of my prayers in the earlier post. I told you it was crazy, but bear with me. I think you might be able to get something out of it.*

Hi Beautiful,

Remain patient. I know you are tired of hearing me say this. I know it frustrates you when you can't interpret my time table. So don't worry about it. Allow me to take care of everything. There are many factors coming into play that you are unaware of. Some of these things will be revealed in time but others will remain hidden.
I know it is hard but try not to trust your own instincts or emotions. They have become flawed by the world. Instead, seek my voice and listen to Wisdom. For you know your emotions have failed you every other time, my voice will never lead you astray.

I know you are wondering where he is or if he is currently in your life. I hear you asking, "What is my role in all of this? God, what do you want me to do? Does he even notice me the way I notice him?"

The answer has been here all along. You are my daughter and I am the King. You, my dear, do not have to do a thing. Allow me, as your father, to do everything. Any man worthy of my princess must seek me out first. I will share with him the plan for your lives. He will be overtaken by your heart and wonder because it reminds him of me. As he seeks me, I will reveal to him how to seek you.

On the days when you wonder how he will know to seek me, trust in knowing that the man I have chosen for you is full of wisdom and knows my voice.

Finally, my dear, be yourself, be yourself, be yourself! Be beautiful, be quirky, be vibrant. That is, after all, who I created you to be.

You are fun and love life. You are encouraging and loving. The man I have chosen is head over heels for you because of all of that.

When you are overwhelmed wondering what is taking him so long remember you have caught him off guard. In his eyes, you are a shooting star that just fell out of heaven and into his lap.

And Baby Girl (who knew God would call me that? I didn't), I know you want me to get started already and I have. You must remember to have respect for the long term goal. In order to finish the race, you must take every step of every mile along the way. And yes, as you know from your running experience, it requires your full participation along the way.

Princess, I am so proud of you. Keep moving forward and pursuing your calling. Keep chasing me. There is a reason you have been called to this time alone. This task requires all of you.


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