Friday, September 9, 2011

Be Naive!

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?"

Part II

Remember when you were a kid and you used to dream about being an astronaut, princess, football player, acrobat or ________? Remember when you didn't understand logic and you would simply ask, "WHY?" because you didn't like something about the world? Remember when you had simple solutions to the world's biggest problems because you just didn't think things needed to be that complicated.

As I was saying in my previous post, "Do You Enjoy It?" the above quote always makes my insides scream for something more.  It makes me want to dream for more, to expect more and to live more. I also can't help but wonder if we have come to a point where we no longer allow ourselves to dream, question and ask, "what if" because we are afraid of being hurt when things don't work out, we are afraid of taking risks, afraid of the unknown, afraid of the free fall, afraid of tripping and getting scraped up, afraid of failing.

Do you remember when you would get frustrated with the adults who told you that you were just being "naive" or that "one day you would understand"?  Do you remember when you used to look at adults and wonder why they seemed so hopeless, why they never dreamt? Do you remember promising yourself that you would never become like them, that you would never stop dreaming, stop trying to change the world?  What happened?
So now I will ask you again, "What would you attempt to do if you knew  you could not fail?"  Would you really just fly around?  What if the question was that you could do ONE thing without failing, what would it be?  Would you try to meet someone or tackle a large issue? How would you use your one thing to change the world?   How would the world be different?  What if we began thinking like children again? What if we took back our naivety and took on the world?  And what if these weren't just "what ifs"? What if we all had the ability to do one thing without failing? And what if we actually acted on it?

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