Friday, July 2, 2010

An Evening in Charleston

At the Battery in Downtown Charleston
This was in my journal from March 26th, 2010....  

"I've always envied those people, women in particular, who just seem to be able to do anything independently. Not the ones who have to because they are loners or social outcasts but the ones who seem so secure with themselves that they have no problem going away alone and actually enjoy it. I've always wanted to be able to do it but would not because I didn't know what I would do with myself or whether it was safe.

I'm laying in bed, in a cabin, at a campground and I am alone and it is fun. I'm getting up in six hours to run a 10K across a bridge with 40,000 other people and I will be all by myself. I'm looking forward to meeting new people and having a great time. But am I crazy? Normal people don't do things like this... Will it be all I've cracked it up to be? Who knows, but I'm proud of myself and thankful to God for an amazing life and such wonderful opportunities."

Here's the point... I ran the race and it WAS a blast!  At the end of the race I arrived in a park in downtown Charleston.  These two girls asked me to take their picture and then invited me out for drinks (Hey, it's Charleston and we were on King St. what did you expect?)... It didn't stop there.  Then they invited me to a Citadel vs. App State baseball game (where I got to see App get beat, which never happens in Cullowhee). 

I did it... I am the girl who can do anything by myself just because I felt like it.  I can go on vacation to another city, run a race, go out for drinks with strangers (ok, that sounds way worse than it was), make new friends, sit on the beach alone and revel in God's beauty.
"Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet."
Me with my new friends at the baseball game.

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