Monday, September 9, 2013

A Letter To My Non-Christian Friends

Dear Friends,

If you know me, it's probably fair to say you know I'm a Christian (and a fairly odd one at that). This letter is not a trick to convert you but an effort to understand how to respect you, support you and love you better.

I'm always thinking and my brain is always running (even now, after the lights are out and I'm lying in bed). Often I've wondered, "How am I portraying myself? My passions? My beliefs? My values?" And "How am I being interpreted?" I imagine it isn't often the way in which I intended. 

Besides the fact that I volunteer with an organization called XXXCHURCH and spend my free time at porn conventions, I'm a fairly odd Christian because I can't say I always see things in the same way many other Christians do. There are some things I'm completely confident in while others I just can't wrap my head around. I'm often thrown by the arrogant way in which many Christians draw their lines in the sand on issues that I find blurry and confusing. In these moments, I imagine how much more frustrated I would be if I were you. I think of all the things I would like to say to these people and I wonder what you would say if we, Christians, would ever bother to humble ourselves enough to listen, what would you want to say? What would you want the Christians in your life to know or understand? 

I don't know if anyone else will bother to reflect upon your answers, but I can tell you now that I would consider it an honor. 

Thank you for being my friends!
