Thursday, June 6, 2013

My Friend, Liz Nance!

 How do you write about one of the most talented and creative writers/artists you know and expect it to match up to who they truly are?  

I don't have her way with words or her stroke with a paintbrush. But Liz Nance, is one of my favorite people. We've known each other for years, see each other all the time yet barely ever hang out. I was drawn to her from the moment I met her and didn't know why. Didn't know we'd become a family of sorts. On occasion, I am blessed by a random run-in that allows us to sit down and actually talk-about life, faith, challenges, loving people (when it's easy and when it is hard) and decision making. These moments are few and far between (for no good reason other than we both get distracted with life) but when they arise I'm always blown away by how deep her heart is, how strong her passion is and how joyful her spirit is. 

Liz is peaceful. She isn't loud or pushy (which is quite the opposite of me) and she shares her spirit with those around her. Every time I walk away from a conversation with Liz I feel refreshed and grateful that I know such a unique woman. But maybe more importantly (or maybe just because I'm selfish) I walk away with even more confidence in my self. There's something brave about Liz that makes you want to be brave. She matches the original description of Eve, "Ezer Kenegdo", a life saver coming through for those in need when there is no other hope. She was meant to be life saving and life giving. She inspires those around her to see the world and themselves more deeply and that's why she is one of my favorite people. 

Here's to you Liz and all the love and insight you (and AJ) have to offer the world!! Thanks for being my friend! 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Love Compels You To Do What?!

"So what's the deal with you and porn? Why do you go into porn shows?"

This is a very common question these days and I love it because it means I get to talk about something I am passionate about. I always do my best to answer but I don't always think I am getting my point across and after a friend of mine posted this picture of protestors at the Miami Convention this weekend I thought, "Wow, this picture really is worth a thousand words." I'd love to tell you the reason I feel so compelled to go into porn shows is so I don't get confused with this guy and although that's true, my reasoning goes so much deeper. 

God is all about relationship. He came into our messy, dirty world so we could know Him. He came to talk, to hug, to listen, to encourage, to offer Hope. He didn't stand outside people's homes and jobs telling them how horrible they were as they came and went. He climbed into their boats and went fishing with them. He entered their homes and reclined on their couches. He sat at their tables, ate with them and spent the night. 

I go IN TO porn shows, volunteer at the XXXCHURCH booth, walk around and hang out at other booths because it gives me the opportunity to build relationships with and get to know these girls. It gives me the chance to look them in the eye, learn their names (sometimes even their real names), put myself on their level and show them I don't think they're dirty. I get to become their friend and show them I really care by remembering them (and their name and the things they shared) the next time I see them.  And in the process, I earn the right to be heard without ever having to push my agenda because the only thing on my agenda is to hug, to listen, to encourage and to offer Hope and Love. As I listen, they share their stories and their hardships. They tell me what's it's really like working in this "glamorous" industry.  They share their dreams, their fears and their doubts. They tell me what they hear as they pass the picketers outside and how it makes them feel.  They ask me questions about my faith and what Jesus really thinks about them and I get to tell them because I was willing to cross the street and enter those dark doors.

I guess you could say, "I go into porn shows because Extravagant LOVE compels me to LOVE Extravagantly."

Want to help support this type of LOVE? I'm always fundraising and you can donate here

Have questions? Please ask! I LOVE talking about this!